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Booking conditions and more

Dear interested parties, dear guests of the Alte Bürgermeisterei,


We, Rico Schumacher and Lothar Radermacher from the Bonn real estate team, are happy to host us in the Alte Bürgermeisterei in Ediger-Eller. We feel very comfortable on the Moselle and would like to let many people from near and far participate in the beauty of the landscape and its feel-good atmosphere.


The headquarters of our real estate company is on the Rhine in Bonn, the Alte Bürgermeisterei is a branch of our company.

At the same time, it is our guest house for business partners, but also for private guests who just want to relax and enjoy a few days here.

Because there are not enough places to stay on the Moselle, we are happy to offer four standard and seven premium rooms as our contribution to hospitality on the Moselle.


Unfortunately, what we cannot offer is our own catering option in our guest house and a classic reception, because we cannot be present on site all the time due to our professional obligations. We regret the inconvenience associated with this, but the generally very positive response from our guests confirms that it was the right decision to offer our second company headquarters in the Alte Bürgermeisterei to guests for overnight stays and relaxation.


We offer catering for breakfast through cooperation with the neighboring Hotel Feiden. In Ediger-Eller itself and along the entire Moselle, there is a varied culinary offer for all other meals during the season from Easter to All Saints´ Day.


Checking into the hotel and room works via an electronic locking system. By entering the access data that we make available to the guests in advance, they can help themselves without our presence. We explain how the system works with the sending of the data, at the hotel entrance door and again expressly here.


In addition, the following conditions apply to bookings in the guest house Alte Bürgermeisterei:


  1. The Alte Bürgermeisterei is, as the name suggests, an administrative building from the mid-19th century and not a modern hotel. The rooms are furnished in a cozy to romantic style, the bathrooms are in good, modern condition. But the guests don´t expect a well-planned functional building with all the amenities that planning in advance can bring. Unfortunately there is no elevator in the house.

  2. All eleven guest rooms are double rooms, which we also offer for single use at the same price. The premium rooms differ from the standard rooms in the Moselle view, otherwise there are no qualitative differences between the rooms. 

  3. We do not offer a general cancellation policy, which means that room rates paid at the time of reservation are non-refundable. This is because we do not have the capacity to take care of replacements and we would then be dependent on random booking requests on the same weekend. However, we offer a voucher for the next night in the amount of a quarter of the first booking amount as a sign of our courtesy. 

  4. The amount of the room rates takes into account the fact that the season on the Moselle lasts a maximum of seven months. Unfortunately, it is a problem that we cannot solve that there is not enough gastronomic offer for overnight guests in the period from November to March. The main season is from August to October with many wine festivals and the romantic autumn on the Moselle. 

  5. Children are welcome in our house when accompanied by their parents, but unfortunately we only have one room with an extra bed. There is no accommodation charge for children up to the age of seven. 

  6. Dogs can be brought along by guests if it is guaranteed that they will not disturb or bother other house guests. Due to the generally higher cleaning effort in our experience, we charge a fee of EUR 20 per dog for a minimum of two overnight stays. If the amount has not already been paid at the time of booking, we ask you to do so on site.

  7. We are happy to be available for our guests, but before calling, we ask you to consider whether your questions could be clarified by a text message, which interrupts our other professional commitments less. We have set up our own WhatsApp and SMS account under the number 0160-1878313. We always try to clarify the issue immediately, at least within 24 hours. Please understand that this is rarely possible within a few minutes and give us this time. Thank you if you do. 



After all, we apply to you:



Welcome to the Alte Bürgermeisterei 

and relaxing days in the magic of the romantic Moselle.




Rico Rudolf Schumacher and Lothar Radermacher.

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